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The Norwegian Embassy in Kyiv is announcing a new call for small-scale grant project proposals for Ukraine for 2019.

March 30, 2019.

     The overall program budget for Ukraine this year is 4 million NOK.
     The Embassy will give priority to project proposals within these thematic areas:
    Democracy, human rights and tolerance with a particular focus on vulnerable groups.
    Promotion of free and innovative media.
    Strengthened democratic culture and transparency, including during election campaigns
    Innovative energy projects with substantial environmental component
    Applicants working within these fields can be entitled to support based on concrete project proposals presented.
    The project proposals will be evaluated based on the project relevance and thematic area, in accordance with the above mentioned focus areas and presented documentation.
    Projects implemented in cooperation with Norwegian or international NGOs or by international organizations could be considered. Regardless, cooperation with other donors, national or international organizations, and possible synergies with the requested Norwegian support, should be clearly outlined in the application.
    The project implementation period should as a main rule be limited to 12 months. Plans for sustainability of the activity beyond one year should be outlined in the application
    As a main rule applications should be between NOK 500.000 and NOK 1.000.000. Smaller applicationsmight also be considered.
    Any application should consist of a concise Results Framework with outputs and outcomes, indicating expected impact. In addition a risk matrix covering possible internal and external risks with indication of probability and seriousness and with mitigation measures should be attached. The elaboration about possible negative impacts on cross-cutting issues mentioned in point 7.1. of the application template is important. The explanation of how and why the intervention is expected to lead to the desired results based on existing knowledge, experience or research (“Theory of change”) will strengthen the application.
    You will find the template for Application form (S02), Results Assessment framework and budget here .
    The budget file should contain the percentage of each staff member engagement in a project as well as clear reflection of any additional available funding for budget lines from other projects.
    Participants must submit the Application form by sending an e-mail with relevant attachments to:ProjectKyiv@mfa.no
    No phone consultations will be available due to our limited resources. Any questions should be sent to ProjectKyiv@mfa.no and will be answered starting from 01.04.2019.
    Deadline for submitting the project proposals is: 12th of April 2019

Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation